Now, tap Profile Photo. Now, you have three options: Digital Stickers allow you to express yourself better and in a more fun way. Since they are bigger, more detailed, and frequency animated, they make up for the expressiveness and gesture that can get lost in text conversations. There’s no denying the fact that Telegram became as popular as it is because of its focus on privacy. The service not only provides end-to-end encryption on the server-side of the things but also allows users to lock their chats. This is great for safeguarding your personal chats when you are handing out your device to anyone else.
Improved External Sharing on iOS In fact, Telegram offers many more features rather than other Messaging apps in the same market. You don’t need a separate image/video editor to make your photos/videos more compelling. You can do it right in the telegram app using its intuitive interface. This is a handy feature for users who want to save disk space. To access it, go to the “Settings”, “Data and Storage”, and then tap “Storage Usage”. You will find four options: keep media on your device for three days, one week, one month, or forever.
I have been using Telegram for a long time. It’s straightforward, and most Telegram features save time and make my day-to-day life so much easier. Whatever your reasons for using Telegram, it's a solid messaging app. It makes for a great alternative to WhatsApp and SMS messaging, and Telegram is well worth using, especially if you can persuade your friends to join. Now, tap If Inactive For at the bottom of the screen and choose a preferred option like 1 week or 1 month in the popup menu. Telegram gives you an option where you can select who can see your last seen time. To configure this, go to “Settings”, “Privacy and Security” and then tap on “Last Seen & Online”. You can share it with everybody, or people in your contact list, or nobody, or add exceptions like “never share with” XYZ.
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